Monday, December 10, 2012

Cough, Cough, Sneeze

So now 3/5 of us have some version of a cold. Blech. And the weather is being terribly indecisive. Pick one. Warm or Cold. I'm good with either, although I prefer cold.
Tree up and almost done. Still have to add snowflakes. Tree generally looks like this:
Snowflakes made by my Grandmother - a tree is not complete without them. The Angel needs some work before I can put her up there this year. And this is the year I need to restarch some snowflakes. But still. Now to figure out what I still need to buy. 
And to send out cards. Because I get to say my oldest son is going to college! I'm so excited! 


Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

What a treasure to have those crocheted snow flakes!
Congratulations on the college acceptance letter and welcome to the roller-coaster of the next year (you want him gone, you wish he wasn't going).

Anonymous said...

Such big news in a card!
I'm a sucker for that style of tree snowflake. I recently asked someone crafty what they'd charge me for a dozen.

Suburban Correspondent said...

Three cheers for William! AND heirloom snowflakes!

Is he doing ROTC?