Monday, June 27, 2011


It doesn't really feel like summer. Except of course for the heat and always present humidity.
Work is busy, but fine.
Family is here, there and everywhere. Youngest is attempting boy scout camp, oldest is going to California, and middle one was supposed to be doing a week with dad at "boot camp" (not really doing the boot camp part, just the enjoying the outdoors part) but isn't feeling well. Nerves, I think.
I've been playing around with the family tree info on ancestry. Fun, and a big time sucking hole.
This was going to be a witty post, full of good stuff, but i'm too tired. Early bedtime for me tonight, that is for sure!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Even the dogs are being lazy

Okay, so I'm not really being lazy. I'm just not getting things done. VBS is almost here. That means it is almost over, which is even better.
Work is hopping busy, although this week is the week the doc is out of town so not much going on. Although I have to go in tomorrow for a bit and I went in on Tuesday.
Oldest kiddo gets to have dental surgery in mid july. The ortho consult is in a week, so we'll probably have a consult with the oral surgeon in there somewhere too.
Baseball is almost over, I think middle kid has done okay with it.
Swim team is quickly losing its appeal for little guy - the 2 times a day practice is NOT his favorite thing.
Although he liked his first meet.
Me, I'm trying to keep busy. Not trying to deny the grief, or the loss, or the emptiness, but realizing that life continues despite how I feel. I am not nearly as efficient as I once was. That's okay though.
I did just spend some money on I tunes. Bought some good summer music - Beach Boys, B 52's, Brown Eyed Girl, and so on...
About to read two books that came today from Amazon. Trying not to melt in the heat. Trying to find time to go to the pool!!!! Maybe I'll do that tomorrow!